品牌/大事件类分类详表丨Designverse Awards 设计宇宙大奖2023-2024
设计宇宙大数据研究中心,发布时间2023-11-28 20:03:10
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*Design resource agencies: including scheme design, technical consultants, professional consultants, specialized consultants, operation consultants, etc.
designverse 设计宇宙大数据研究中心
C 品牌/大事件类分类概述 Brands/Major Events Category Overview
空间类分类详表丨设计宇宙大奖Designverse Awards 2023-2024
产品类分类详表丨设计宇宙大奖Designverse Awards 2023-2024
Targeting all enterprises/brands of product category, the entry categories include residential (such as home building materials, home furniture, household appliances, etc.), office (such as office supplies, office equipment, office furniture, etc.), social and leisure (such as social space supplies, cultural space supplies, etc.), transportation (such as vehicles, boats, aviation, etc.) and their respective subcategories, a total of 24.
*请访问designverse「设计宇宙」平台/www.designverse.com.cn/ IP导航栏内设计宇宙大奖Designverse Awards,查阅《参评类别详表1》和《参评类别详表2》。
*please visit "Designverse Awards" within IP navigation bar on designverse (www.designverse.com.cn) for referring to Categories of Submission Table 1 & Table 2.
promotional activities,programs,graphic,audio,video,interactive.
For example: establishment of awards by enterprises/brands, sponsorship awards by enterprises/brands, joint establishment of awards, joint sponsorship awards.
For example: themed exhibition (art exhibition, science exhibition, history exhibition, cultural exhibition, education exhibition), personal exhibition (artist works exhibition, designer works exhibition, photographer works exhibition, group joint exhibition), commercial exhibition (industry trade show, product expo), creative exhibition (creative works exhibition, innovative technology exhibition), tourism exhibition, special exhibition (children's exhibition, exclusive exhibition for disabled people, charity exhibition)
For example: conference and exposition, promotional activity, public welfare activity, new product launch/forum salon, brand experience activity, word-of-mouth marketing activity, user evaluation and reputation platform management, joint cooperation, event sponsorship, PR content, PR method.
For example: brand/product placement, corporate image placement, enterprise/brands sponsorship, joint sponsorship.
e-book), UI (website UI, app UI)
For example: music identification (music clip, sound effect, telephone ringtone), broadcast advertisement audio (advertising sound material, background music, sound effect), video advertisement audio (background music, sound effect, narrator’s voice), voice brand recognition, brand background music, brand sound guideline.
For example: corporate image video, corporate culture video, product video, brand story video, user story video, training/demonstration video, interview video, event video, social media video, industry trend video, micro-movie/short film
For example: website, app, WeChat official account, WeChat mini-program, video platform, live broadcast platform, social media, AR content, VR content
C2-2双年展/三年展 Biennials/Triennials
For example: conference seminar, training exchange, exhibition, cultural exchange, business negotiation, community platform, social activity, information graphics, regional tourist map, media cooperation, online communication platform
C3-2双年展/三年展 Biennials/Triennials
C3-3奖项 Awards
C3-4画廊/艺术廊 Galleries/Art Museums
There are 7 subcategories under the domestic projects classification, which are: art festivals,biennials/triennials,awards,galleries/art museums,landmarks,festival activity planning.
C4-2双年展/三年展 Biennials/Triennials
C4-4奖项 Awards
C4-5画廊/艺术廊 Galleries/Art Museums
Follow the official WeChat account "设计宇宙大奖DesignverseAwards" and "designverse设计宇宙", the official Weibo account @DesignverseAwards, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to get the latest information about the award.
* 如有任何疑问,可以添加下方微信号或发送邮件至邮箱awards@designverse.com.cn进行咨询。
Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖所有内容的最终解释权归主办方所有。
The organizer reserves the right to interpret all the content of Designverse Awards.
品牌/大事件类-细分类别丨Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025
空间类(概念)-细分类别丨Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025
空间类-细分类别丨Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025
The Peach Club丨Spaces and Design
House with 5 retaining walls | 武田清明建築設計事務所