其他,#获奖权益说明,#大奖启动特辑,#Designverse Awards,IP:设计宇宙大奖 Designverse Awards

⑤ 获奖权益说明丨Designverse Awards 设计宇宙大奖2023-2024

设计宇宙大数据研究中心,Release Time2023-07-14 17:54:00

Project information



目录 Contents

01 获奖权益说明 Statement of Awards Benefits

02 必备获奖权益 Mandatory Benefits

03 可选获奖权益 Optional Benefits


01Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖获奖权益说明 Statement of Awards benefits


Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖为奖项获得者提供具有吸引力的多维度的宣传及推广服务,以此表彰并帮助奖项获得者赢得设计领域内更高的曝光度和更明确的行业认可。奖励包括必备和可选两种,以期助力获奖机构实现宣传推广效益的最大化。

The Designverse Awards provide attractive and multi-dimensional promotion services to award winners, recognizing and helping them gain higher exposure and clearer industry recognition in the design field. The rewards include both mandatory and optional types to help the winning organization to make its promotional benefits maximized.


* Mandatory Benefitscertificate of award (digital), the right to use the Designverse Awards logo, showcasing on the designverse platform, news release of winning works, digital yearbook. 


*可选获奖权益:奖杯&获奖证书(纸质版)、平台专栏访谈& 媒体矩阵推广、获奖推广视频/短视频&媒体矩阵推广、定制咨询报告

* Optional Benefitstrophy and certificate of award (print), column interview & matrix mediapromotional video production/short video & matrix media, customized consulting report.


02 Designverse Awards必备获奖权益 Mandatory Benefits


【1】Designverse Awards获奖证书(电子版)


[1] Certificate of Award (Digital)

All winners will receive a digital certificate of award with 36 jurors‘ signature via email after the final winning result announcement is made. Winners are free to use this certificate of award for self-promotion.


Certificate of Award (digital)
【2】 Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖LOGO 使用权
设计宇宙大奖三大类别的四项大奖拥有各自专属 LOGO,所有获奖者均享有该年度所获奖项LOGO 在全球范围内、任何媒体上的永久使用许可。
【2】Right to Use Designverse Awards Logo
Winners of all four award categories of Designverse Awards have permanent permission to use that year's exclusive logo worldwide across any media.

Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖奖项LOGO展示 

LOGO of All Four Designverse Award Categories 


设计宇宙大奖所有获奖者均可永久免费在designverse设计宇宙平台 (展示获奖作品。
[3] Showcasing on designverse Platform
All winners enjoy free permanent showcasing rights for their winning works on


Cover of Winning Project Showcasing on designverse Platform



Banner of Winning Project Showcasing on designverse Platform(Outstanding Prize Only)



LOGO of Winning Agency on designverse Platform



设计宇宙大奖所有获奖者均拥有在 designverse设计宇宙平台及媒体矩阵发布的获奖新闻里露出宣传的机会。

[4] News Release of Winning Result

All winners have opportunities for exposure and publicity through news releases published by designverse and its matrix media.

designverse Platform & Its Matrix Media

△Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖媒体矩阵推广展示示意

An example of gobal Release of Designverse Awards on Matrix Media 


Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖所有奖项获得者将被获奖年鉴集中收录、展示,以电子刊物的形式投放在designverse设计宇宙平台,供用户自行下载。
[5] Digital Yearbook

All winners of Designverse Awards will be featured in a digital publication available for downloading from the designverse platform.



Inside Cover Sample of Digital Yearbook



Package Model of Digital Yearbook


03 Designverse Awards可选获奖权益 Optional Benefits

The optional benefits are upgraded paid publicity and promotion services launched by the Designverse Awards. All winners can choose to purchase according to their needs.


Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖所有获奖者均可购买专属定制奖杯。主办方在发布获奖新闻后,将奖杯连同纸质版获奖证书一起,依次安排邮寄至获奖者。
[1] Trophy & Certificate of Award (Print)
All winners can purchase a custom-made trophy along with a paper copy certificate which will be mailed out after news release of final winning result.
金额:RMB1,200元/套 (不含国际快递)
Price:RMB1,200Yuan/set(Excluding international express delivery)


Sample of Trophy



Certificate of Award (print)


Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖所有获奖者均享有定制一对一平台专栏访谈的机会,访谈内容发布于designverse设计宇宙平台以及公众号“Top Talk顶层访谈”“Eyes On Me夺目”或“Super Nova超新星”专栏。
[2] Column Interview
All winners of Designverse Awards are entitled to customized one-on-one interview opportunities which will be published on the designverse platform as well as Top Talk, Eyes On Me or Super Nova columns under WeChat public account.
Price: RMB45,000Yuan/article(Including editing fee RMB25,000Yuan/article, designverse offical website/official acccount/social media release and promotion fee RMB20,000Yuan/article)
Winners can get significant discount support. Please consult staff of Designverse Awards for specific detailst toRMB4,500Yuan/article.

*“TOP TALK”顶层访谈:不谋万世者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一域。 顶层设计,即统筹品牌的各层次及要素;追溯根源,统揽全局;对话核心人物,寻求品牌的升级之道。(仅限C类用户)

One who does not have the whole picture in mind can not design a part. Talk to the Top, seeking for the way of brand upgrade.(Brands/Major Events’clients Only)


* “Eyes on Me夺目”栏目旨在发掘蕴含创新的设计思维和实践。
“Eyes on Me” aims to explore innovative design ideas and practice.
△“eyes on me夺目”栏目KOL专访案例

Example of Exclusive Interview of KOL in “eyes on me” Column


△“eyes on me夺目”栏目项目专访案例

Example of Exclusive Interview on Project in “eyes on me” Column


* Super Nova超新星栏目挖掘和曝光大设计产业链中的超新星人群,展现先锋的独特表达,他们有灵魂、有秩序的生命的运化,见证超新星和这个时代共同的璀璨聚变。
Super Nova deeply explores KOLs in the design industry to show their unique expression of design, and the change of their soulful and orderly life. Let's witness the splendid fusion of super nova and this era.
△“Super Nova超新星”栏目专访案例
Example of Exclusive Interview in “Super Nova” Column
设计宇宙大奖所有获奖者均可定制获奖推广视频,发布于designverse设计宇宙视频号“Eyes On Me设计宇宙发现你”。

[3] Short Video Case Co-operation

AII winners of Designverse Awards can customize  promotional video, which will be published on Eyes On Me columns under WeChat video account – designverse设计宇宙. 

*获奖机构将获得大力度折扣支持,具体细节请咨询Designverse Awards相关工作人员
Price: RMB50,000Yuan/video.Winners can get significant discount support. Please consult staff of Designverse Awards for specific details toRMB3,500Yuan/article.
△选择一:“Eyes on me设计宇宙发现你”短视频案例合作
Option1:Example of “Eyes on me” Short Video
截屏2024-05-27 20.44.05.png
△选择二:“Eyes on me设计宇宙发现你(专享篇)”短视频案例合作
Option2: Example of “Eyes on me(Exclusive section)” Short Video

[4] Customized Consulting Report

All winners can opt to purchase a customized industry consulting report provided by the Designverse Awards. Based on data from the designverse Big Data Research Center, these reports provide comprehensive analysis of the design market environment, annual development trends in the design industry, leading design agencies' performance, and specific development directions with suggestions, to help them accurately position themselves within this industry.

金额RMB3,500起具体内容形式可定制,具体细节请咨询Designverse Awards相关工作人员)
Price: Starting from RMB3,500YuanThe specific content form can be customized. Please consult staff of Designverse Awards for specific details.)


Cover of Customized Consulting Report



Regarding the fees of optional benefits, please add the WeChat below for consultation.


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